Its been an uneventful few days here in Hong Kong. The rains are here and so is the humidity so long excursions through the winding streets of the city are few and far between. I was able to make it out today, as the humidity did let up a bit, to take a few photos of a fountain near by. I had set out intent on making my way to a huge cemetary that I've noticed on my way to Happy Valley before, and a bit of searching I ended up doing. Finally, after retracing my steps down wrong turns and traipsing up and down the hilly streets, I found it, The Hong Kong Muslim Cemetary. Unfortunately, as I arrived at a little past 6 pm and the park closed at 5:30, I chose to save the photographs for another day out of respect. A little research has uncovered that this particular cemetary (one of five, apparently, in the Happy Valley area) is said to contain the grave of one individual from WWI and at least seven from WWII. The graves span hillside after hillside in various levels and its just awe inspiring. Hopefully I get a chance either Wednesday or Thursday to get back over there, now that I know where it is, and finally take some photos. Not only are the mountains of grave stones beautiful and inspiring, but I'm sure the views of Hong Kong, including the Happy Valley Racecourse, will be incredible. Anyway, here is the fountain that I mentioned before. Public Art in this form, among many, can be found literally everywhere in Hong Kong.
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