Notoriously delicious and also dangerous, the Hong Kong Cantina is something you have to try, try and try again. Not all cantinas are created equal either and a good cantina can very quickly become a very baaaad cantina. A cantina, as I've come to figure out, is a small restaurant that serves local fare. Its essentially a diner where you get large amounts of sometimes questionable food at a very low price. The cantina can be your friend, if you treat them warily and are cautious when feeling them out. Unfortunately, my most recent encounter with the cantina turned out to be pretty awful; food poisening awful. Nicholas and I ordered the curry chicken, which is my regular at this particular joint, and he ordered the sweet and sour chicken, which we've ordered before and was quite delicious, and to share, a sticky bun (which I will come back to.) I don't know if it was because it was late at night and the chicken had been sitting out a bit too long, or if that evening's particular kitchen staff (who we've spotted cooking without shirts on) were peeved at us ordering such an "American" Chinese dish, but we experienced General Tso's Revenge for the rest of the night and the next day. Bummer town. The biggest surprise was that it was this particular place that had done us in. We've eaten there several times before, at least once a week, sometimes twice, and have never had any issue with it. One of the waitresses speaks exceptional English, its clean and bright and we never saw it coming. Sei la vie!
Back to the sticky bun situation. Yum. I know for a fact that it was definitely not the sticky bun's fault that the pair of us got so sick. It is a heavenly combination of buns, often fresh, that have been halved, toasted, coated in butter and then slathered with sweetened condensed milk. D-E-LICIOUS! If you've ever made a pumpkin pie with your mom during Thanksgiving or Christmas, and if you're anything like me, you were the best little helper who was in charge of clearing every last drop of the condensed milk from the Carnation can with fingers, spatulas, your tongue, whatever it was that was closest and would get the job done. So I'm sure you can imagine how great it tastes when added to the rest of it. There's nothing quite like it and it now maintains the foremost position in my heart for sweet breakfast/anytime foods.
I didn't actually take this picture, not even sure who to credit, I just know that when I get mine its not around long enough for me to take a picture of it.
My kitchen is now almost completely together. Our latest purchases include a wok, steaming baskets, a rice cooker and some bowls and spoons and chopsticks, a terrifying Henkle cleaver and a butchers block. Tonight, we put the kitchen to the test. Before tonight, the only home cooking we've done consisted of making a sandwhich. We've had the wok for a few days now and have gotten the seasoning process underway. See, I didn't know this until I purchased one and did some research on how to cook with one, but one must season a wok (make it black with heat, oil, and, in our case, ginger and spring ramps) before you can cook with it in a useful and traditional way. It helps to impart flavor to all the food that passes through it and keep it from sticking and keep the stainless steel flavors from being imparted to the food by instead imparting the flavors of your seasonings to the food. So, we've seasoned our wok, we've bought food, and tonight, we cook! Or rather, Nicholas cooks while I putz around on the computer and laze on the couch. Its not that I don't want to help out, I just can't fit in our kitchen with Nicholas at the same time. Anyway, as far as the menu tonight, I've done all the shopping. Fresh Tasmanian Salmon from the City Super across the street, fresh organic garlic, ginger and baby cabbage from one of the stalls on the streets around my building, some green beans and some Japanese Enokitake mushrooms. All will be served over rice and I think he's steaming the fish and stir frying they veggies. As the aromas of food start to waft through our tiny apartment I'm finding it more and more difficult to focus on grammer and thoughts and putting it all together in cohesive sentences that are meant to inform anyone of anything. So until next time, 再见 (goodbye.)